Location Pricing
Posted: 2006-04-01. Categories: Home Depot, Retail Stores

Are you paying more?

I am shopping for kitchen cabinets and have looked at Lowes and Home Depot. I am working with Home Depot. I went into Lowes again and checked the price and it was considerably less. The Home Depot price for the doors I want are $144.00 and $157.00. So today, I called Lowes and got a price for the door front I want at $135.00 and another at $137.00. Then I went back to Home Depot and was told they will sell me the cabinets at 10% less than Lowes if I come with a printed estimate.

He looked up in a book the door I wanted and it did not look the same. Well, this would be about an $800 savings so, I went around the corner to a different Lowes than the one I had called.

The door was priced the same as Home Depot, but at this Lowes the prices were $138.00 and $142.00. I asked why they were different and was told that they probably forgot to change the price, but that the computer will reflect the new price.

This isn’t right. I am going to price both in a few days and see if they are legit. I know some companies price things differently in different areas. Maybe you just have to shop on the wrong side of the street.

I will let you know more later.

Tracie LaMee,
San Juan Capistrano,  California

Update — BuyCabinets.com

I got my cabinets on line and saved $1800.00! Kraftmaid calls the doors by different names than Lowe’s and Home Depot do, so they don’t have to price match. The doors are called something completely different on the Kraftmaid website.

I was very happy with Buycabinets.com. Not only did I get the cabinets I wanted at a great price, they immediatly fixed a problem we had with one of the doors a month after the cabinets were delivered.

Tracie LaMee

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