My daughter and I were shopping and bought a box of diapers that were marked $18.49. On the way home, she realized that they charged her $19.99 for the box. She called the store and they said to bring in the receipt and they will give her the money she was overcharged.
I would like to know before we bring the receipt back if they have to follow the scanning law in this instance. There was no sign that said the diapers were on sale so that should not be an issue but these stores don’t want to pay any extra money. Now I have to drive her back there and go out of my way wasting my gas to get the money she was overcharged.
This store was Meijers and I have been overcharged there before. I am starting to get very tired of this and would like to see them have to pay the little extra for this. Thank you for your help.
Grand Rapids, MI
Dear Stephanie,
The Michigan Scanner Law requires that the package be individually marked, and since it was, you are entitled to the bounty.
The law is posted on this site, it doesn’t hurt to print off a copy and have it handy.
Best wishes.