Bad Lemons
Posted: 2007-05-08. Categories: Kentucky

On Wednesday, May 2nd, I bought a bag of lemons from my local Kroger store in Shepherdville, Kentucky at a cost of $3.79 a bag for 7-lemons. By Friday, May 4th, all of them were spoiled. They were kept in my refrigerator.

I returned to the store on Saturday, May 5th, and was told they were sorry for my problem but they would do nothing about it. I was made to look foolish.

I have been a long-time customer of Kroger, but I can shop other stores.

Thank you for listening,

1 Comment to "Bad Lemons"

  1. Carrie says:

    I am also tired of being overcharged at Kroger. Besides that, I am constantly finding moldy, expired products. They don’t have items that are supposed to be on sale.

    I emailed their customer service address on their website and got some pat answer about how they appreciate my business and they are sure it will be improved next time I go. So I called them at their toll free number and said I didn’t think moldy cantalopes with holes in them and smelly meat were really an improvement.

    The customer service rep says, “are you saying the meat was spoiled?” Why yes, that’s what I was saying. She says, “did you return it?” (Almost like I didn’t have a right to call unless I had returned it). I said, I have a baby and I work full time. I am not going to stop making dinner for my family to take back a $3 container of chicken legs or some such.

    These are just a few examples of what happens each time I go there. Unfortunately, I don’t have many options for shopping. Apparently Kroger doesn’t value my business and I need to start making the drive to another town.

    Georgetown, KY