Lunch Boxes and Wii
Posted: 2007-08-12. Categories: Meijer

Nintendo Wii I purchased two lunch boxes for my ten year old and six year old at Meijer. There was a 10% yellow sign that stated “all other juvenile licensed lunch bags.” The price of each lunch box was $9.99. There were several different sizes, shapes, colors and different names of these lunch boxes, none of which had the name “Juvenile”.

When I checked out the cashier charged me $9.99, I told her there was a sign in front of the lunch boxes that said 10% off. She called someone on the floor to verify this and he or she told her they didn’t see a sign indicating this.

I walked over and retrieved the sign, brought it to the cashier who called a manger to refund the difference. Long story short the manager was paged at least three times, while I waited for him at least 15 minutes. At this point I was so upset that I walked out with the sign and did not get the difference for the lunch boxes.

I told the manager I was going to call the corporate office, and it didn’t faze him one bit. This was on a Saturday.

The next morning I arrive at another Meijer store at 6:45 am to purchase the video game “Nintendo Wii”. I needed some additional accessories to go with the Wii, and again there was another sign that stated “10% off on all video accessories” (it was also advertised in their weekly circular).

The clerk said that it didn’t apply to Wii accessories. I asked why not, especially since the sign was posted next to some of the Wii accessories. He took the sign down walked me up to the cashier and shown her the sign to give me 10% off on my items.

Needless to say the computer wouldn’t accept the 10% off, so the clerk called the manager. The manager came (he took his sweet time also) he stated that “video accessories” meant video cable outlets and that the Wii was not considered a video game. He also stated that someone inadvertently put the sign in the wrong place.

I responded that because of that error I should still receive the 10% off, and explained that I would be calling the corporate office about this situation. He also didn’t seem fazed when I said this.

Again, I left Meijer upset and swore that I would never shop at that store again. When I got home I looked up the Nintendo Wii website that clearly stated, “The Wii is the 5th home video game console released by Nintendo”.

Normally, I wouldn’t pursue writing to someone like you for advice — I would just called the corporate headquarters. But, because the managers didn’t care and didn’t apologize for the inconvenience, I thought I better get my facts straight before calling corporate and being disappointed with the same response that I received from both managers.


2 Comments to "Lunch Boxes and Wii"

  1. Retail Bandit says:

    Dear Denise,

    I can totally understand your frustration. Do be sure to call or write to Meijer Corporate and relay your concerns. It may or may not do any good but at least you will feel better getting it off your chest.

    There really isn’t much else you can do beyond taking your business elsewhere. These large box stores only manage to stay in business because we continue to spend our money with them. Perhaps it’s time to “Just Say NO” to Meijer.

    I can assure you there are stores in your area who will appreciate your business and treat you as such.

    Thanks for sharing your story!

  2. scmiddleton1 says:

    Asking for others advice first before you waist more of your time writing a letter is wise since you clearly don’t understand the difference between an video game and a console. Not reading a sign correctly or thinking a price sign is for an item simply because it’s adjacent to it does not make you as a customer RIGHT. If all consumers shopped as you do and expected something for free or “name your price” type attitude we would all be paying a lot more for our merchandise. I suggest you spend more of your time shopping at dollars stores where even the worst shopper doesn’t have to know how to read or try to pursuade a manager into giving you something you don’t have coming.