Hi! I need to find out who do I complain to about a disservice to a disabled person.
I took my brother to Wal-Mart with me on Monday, October 1st to do some shopping. My brother went outside to smoke a cigarette; he was with his worker, from the clinic he goes to for his mental illness. He went back into the store with her, and sat there waiting for me to finish shopping.
They were approached by one of the employees and my brother was told that he had to leave the store. His case manager asked her why and she was asked if my brother was with her. She said yes, he was, and that he was not leaving until his sister was finished with her shopping. She then was told that my brother had been outside “begging for money”, and she walked away.
I call this discrimination. Who do I call or whom do I write to? I can’t find out through the computer even though I search for the customers complaint department. If you can help, please direct me in the right direction.
Thank you,
Wal-marts website is currently down for scheduled maintenance. According to their error message you can reach someone by either e-mailing Wal-mart at: help@walmart.com or calling Customer Service between the hours of 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. CST at 1-800-966-6546.
Best wishes to you.