Time For a Fix!
Posted: 2008-11-28. Categories: Michigan

I have experienced this several times now with Meijers. I have filed a written complaint with the Michigan State Attorney Generals office previously, which I am doing again.

I will also be contacting Represenatives in the Michigan Legislature, since they develop the legislation to produce these rules and regulations.

I would think that new legislation needs to be adopted to get rid of the loop holes that I am experiencing, and from what I’ve read online, lots of others have also.

Today I purchased 2 pair of Lounge Pants at Meijers in Midland, normally priced at $14.99. A sign on the rack stated they were on sale for $9.99. The items had the original price of $14.99 on them.

When they scanned at the register, I noticed they wrang up for $11.24, not the sale price of $9.99.

I took the items and my receipt to the service desk, where I was refunded the difference.

When I asked about the Michigan Scanner Law/Reward, I was told that it only applied to items that were individually marked.

I also noticed they did not scramble to call anyone to get the pricing adjusted, which I have seen previously when a reward was paid out.

This certainly seems to be a way to snooker the general public, if they get caught they only have to refund the difference, and not even correct their pricing, in fact it is in their favor not to correct the scanners – they make a bigger profit, and it is of no consequence to them.

Disturbed in Midland,
Gordon Joslin

1 Comment to "Time For a Fix!"

  1. Riley says:

    Gordin, I’m a cashier that works for Meijer. Why didn’t you just ask the cashier why it rang up wrong? This is something we can correct for you before you pay.