Remember President Reagan’s Trickle Down Economics policy? It’s pretty plain to me that we are experiencing his mantra first-hand — except in reverse.
The news is replete with reports of bankruptcy, foreclosures and unemployment. Tuolumne County only recently experienced the closure of our local Mervyns store. Last year they closed down Albertson’s with promises of another store opening but as time stretches on, it’s appearing less likely as the days go by.
We are trying to continue life as usual but with each new business that goes under, we worry just a little bit more about our own future. I’m terribly worried right now about Costco. The Bozos they have stationed at the door, on both the entrance and exit aren’t much better than a Wal-mart flunky.
The person stationed at the entrance is supposed to verify that you are a member and examine your membership card. I think you could hold up a Blockbuster Video card and obtain entrance. It’s not really that big of a deal though, since you can’t checkout without your card. Nice safeguard.

The person stationed strategically at the exit checks each receipt for the number of items purchased, and then takes a quick count of the items in the cart, or at least attempts to get close.
On our last visit I purchased a new book that had caught my eye, “” Our cashier was so taken with it that he commented on my purchase and took a gander through the pages. I chucked and reminded him that I was buying the book and that he needed to get his own copy.
He put down the book and continued scanning our items, we paid and left, stopping at the door to comply with our rapid count. It shouldn’t have been too difficult since we only had four items in the cart. It wasn’t until later that we realized the book hadn’t been rung up.
We had unwittingly ripped off Costco for $11 or $12.00. (I’m not certain of the amount because the price sticker has been removed.) I would normally feel bad but not worry about it, since it wasn’t my fault, but now I feel just terrible. What if I am not the only one, what if each cashier made just one mistake like this on his or her shift?
It wouldn’t take long before we would be reading about Costco’s closure and I for one love Costco and prefer to shop there whenever possible – it beats the heck out of shopping at Wal-mart.
I called Costco and after several attempts, the clerk who answered finally found the correct amount of the book, “” and I mailed off a check for $12.23, along with a copy of my receipt. I’ve been sleeping just fine since then.
More Eat This, Not That Selections
Eat This, Not That
Eat This, Not That by David Zinczenko, Editor-in-Chief of Men’s Health is a small book, very portable, perfect for the glove compartment of the car. This book includes thousands of simple fast food swamps that can save dieters hundreds of calories, at each and every meal.
If your family eats out for fast food more than you care to admit, then this book may be a lifesaver, in that it will help you to make healther choices from the menu, saving you loads of grease, calories and foods laden with sugar.
While our family does not count calories, I did find the book useful in making better choices, especially since my husband is a fast food junkie.