Poor Service at Rite Aid
Posted: 2009-08-03. Categories: Rite Aid Pharmacy

Hi Annette,

I feel like a victim of this scanning law problem as well.

I went to Rite-Aid to buy a few items and try to find a cheaper brand of face powder than what I normally buy from the very high-end stores (my husband has been laid off since October and I cannot in good conscience spend that kind of money on myself right now!)

Anyway, I found what looked like a great deal on Physician’s Formula-buy one, get one at 50%. I paid for my items and went out to my car.

Putting my face on!I thought it seemed like a lot of money for the items so I checked over my receipt and found both of the make-up items had scanned at full price and no discount had been taken off at the bottom of the receipt.

When I went back inside, the clerk checked to be sure I was entitled to the 1/2 off the second item and she refunded me the difference. I then inquired about the scanning law and she said the law didn’t apply to sale items and I asked if she was sure and she hollered across the store for another clerk and she came over and she asked her as well.

The clerk replied, “Not to sale items, is that all you called me over here for?”

They were both snotty when I said I was surprised and so I left.

I called the store manager later to inquire yet again. His response was the same, however he went into a bit more of an explanation and offered to have me come back and he would resolve this so I felt he had made it right.

Cindy Hermansen

Editors Comment:
Do discount prices automatically mean discounted service? There are simply too many good people out of work right now to allow clerks to treat customers in this fashion. If I were treated in this manner, I’d have returned the merchandise and left. You are much nicer than I.

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