Retail Bandit advocates are voting for stores with their feet and most importantly with their wallets. Retail competition can be pretty stiff in some areas, sure you might have to drive a little further and gas prices can’t come down fast enough, but without your support retailers won’t stay in business very long.
Retail Bandit hears from frustrated and angry shoppers often, too often, so this section of our site is dedicated to rewarding retailers for a job well-done. They deserve to be recognized for offering excellent service, exceptional value and an overall pleasant shopping experience.
Retail Bandit readers are paying attention!
Kudos to OSH
During a recent online discussion about where to find canning jar lids this time of year, the following comments were made regarding one shoppers experience at OSH.
On behalf of all Off The Shelf readers, we would like to thank Orchard Supply Hardware employees for making that extra effort. We appreciate you!
Customer Service with Style
By the way, just a plug for OSH. They have great service.
I bought a Shop-Vac brand shop vacuum a couple of weeks ago. The box was opened, but I bought it anyway, since it was the last one of that style, and it was the one I wanted.
Wouldn’t you know it, there were two little parts missing that keep the casters in the vacuum, so two wheels work and two don’t stay on the vacuum.
I returned to OSH, they didn’t have anything to fix it with, but took down my information and told me they would get the parts for me. That very afternoon, a rep from Shop-Vac called me, got all the info again and told me that they would stick the sleeves into the mail.
Is that service or what?!! I was surprised and it will be nice to have my vac rolling along instead of bumping around.
Manteca, CA
Please post your Kudos to your favorite retail store in comments below…