This takes giving a friendly reminder to a whole new level. Just Lenses didn’t just send us an email reminder that our contact prescription was about to expire. When we didn’t respond to the first five email messages they sent, they called us. On a Saturday to boot. And then again a few days later.
The prescription may be about to expire but his contacts have not. First of all, my husband orders from more than one source and secondly, he doesn’t run out. And to be frank, it’s none of their business. The nerve of this company to assume we were going to reorder from them.
Well, I can tell one company that we will never be ordering from again. I am tired of being nagged, and tired of the emails telling me of specials and discounts and offers. I am just not into aggressive marketing. And more importantly, any business that cares for it’s customers would do better by them to lower their normal prices than to make up for it with frequent discounts or specials that target abandoned carts. Reasonable people prefer reasonable prices to random discounts.
These are contacts for crying out loud. I don’t remember how my purchase went. One of the companies we ordered from got held up in customs for weeks. At least we won’t have to worry about it until next year.