Michigan should keep the item pricing law. I hope they do. Business are still violating the act. The spirit of the act was to protect the consumer from incorrect computer scanning equipment. I just returned from Meijer and they still will not pay the bounty unless the item has a price tag on it. The […]
I purchased two different and separate packages of Barbie outfits at Meijer recently and they were both marked $4.99 (with a price sticker) but scanned at $5.99. When the clerk rang them up, instead of ringing each one separately because they were, after all, different outfits with different bar codes, she rang them up as […]

I attempted to use a Santa Buck to discount the purchase of a $100.00 T-Mobile prepaid phone card. The checkout attendant was unsuccessful in his attempts to run the Santa Buck for it, and agreed that there is NO disclaimer printed on the coupon that would indicate that it could not be used toward the […]
I actually need help on this. Meijer refused to give me a rain check on an item for their Thanksgiving Day Ad. However, the only thing listed for the item, was a limit of 2. Nothing about a limited quantity or no rain checks. Other items had this written, but this didn’t. I know they […]

The entire night I have been going through pages of Michigan Retail Law, trying to figure out what in the heck I am supposed to know about how things scan in the store. I work at Meijer, and would appreciate that my name and email aren’t included in this publicly. But, I can assure you, […]
Never wait until after a holiday to shop at Walmart. I live near both a Walmart Supercenter and a Meijer Store in Grand Rapids, MI. I almost always shop at Meijer as they are doing a bang-up job of competing with Walmart, but there are just a few things that I have found at Walmart […]
I have an ongoing problem with Meijers pricing problems! Seems like the problems are getting worse, but enforcement is non-existent. Just last week I purchased gourmet coffee for $6.99 a pound, listed as buy one, get one free. When the cashier scanned the item, the charge was $7.99 a pound. I caught the mistake and […]
Does the scanner law go far enough? I am diligent about checking my receipts and I have to tell you, it’s the rare occasion that I shop at a major grocery or department store and not find a mistake on my receipt. To be honest, sometimes the mistakes are in my favor, but not nearly […]

I have been shopping at Meijer in Coldwater, Michigan for the past six years. Our family purchases between $5,000 to $6,000 per year in groceries and merchandise at Meijer. Over six years, this amounts to approximately $34,200.00. Recently in December 2008 my purchases equaled $108.55. Paying by check, I was astounded and embarrassed because the […]
I hope this is for Meijer headquarters; I just spent $1,200.00 on turkeys for my company (on November 20, 2008). When I went to pick them up they used a cart with boxes of turkeys and pushed it outside and went back in and closed the door, which locks automatically. The boxes weighed 60 […]
Black Friday – Post Thanksgiving Day Sale Shopping Frenzy In this section we discuss “Black Friday” shopping experiences. Some who participated in the post Thanksgiving Day buying frenzy last year got more than they bargained for. Meijer Shopper Detained by Greeter Okay, Annette are you ready for this one? I am a regular shopper of […]
My name is mark, my wife works for Meijer (GR-MI) and they were doing a reslot on vacuums and put the old ones on clearance that are no longer on there plannogram. The vacuum’s (23) originally sold for around $200.00 and they put them on clearance with a sticker price of $29.99. She and follow […]
My disagreement is with Meijers in Michigan. On November 18 while shopping for vitamins I decided to purchase the much higher priced ones then I would have because the sign in front of them and other vitamins clearly said buy one get the second free. With the name of the vitamins clearly stated on the […]
Browsing the new Meijer ad in the Sunday paper, I noticed Scott Toilet Tissue and another brand our household likes were both on sale for “½ price.” That’s a great buy! So Sunday afternoon, I make a trip there especially for that, but picking up a few other things I needed at the same time. […]