Don’t you ever wonder how Walmart’s low prices and low wages translates into billions of dollars in profits? Every time you shop at their stores, you are making a decision, a vote of confidence in your food. You are what you eat, it sustains us and makes us healthy or sick. View image | […]
If you are out enjoying yourself, really enjoying yourself this weekend, consider yourself blessed. We didn’t even make it to the “holiday” part of the weekend before disaster struck and and shattered our dreams of spending the holiday with our family. [Read about it here.] Almost everyone I know is having a rough time this […]
Have you noticed the recent Campbell’s Soup commercials for their newest line of products; Select Harvest, advertising their new natural soup line with “real ingredients”, sea salt and no MSG? This advertising campaign makes me wonder what ingredients are found in their regular soup line. My reason for bringing it to your attention is that the Select […]
I was at Wal-Mart the other day. I purchased 9 items, 5 of the 9 rang up for more than the actual price! 3 of the items had a sign listing them at 90% off, they were marked $8.00 but rang up for $2.00. The cashier gave me the overcharged amount. I also had 2 […]
Never wait until after a holiday to shop at Walmart. I live near both a Walmart Supercenter and a Meijer Store in Grand Rapids, MI. I almost always shop at Meijer as they are doing a bang-up job of competing with Walmart, but there are just a few things that I have found at Walmart […]

I went to Wal-Mart today in the south Kankakee store, Sunday, August 30th. We were shopping in the pet department where I saw several rats running about. I had told the manager about the rat issue and the manager (Branden) said that the store had traps set up already and were working on the issue. […]

My husband and I were shopping at Wal-Mart for a short period of time. We found that the isles are so narrow that 2 shopping carts can barely fit through an isle. People are so into your personal space that we actually made a joke that if we are somewhere else and someone gets in […]

I have a complaint about Wal-Mart in Sacramento, CA on Antelope Road. August 13, 2009 — I was at the automatic check out station, checking my articles out. I swiped my card in the machine, entered my pin number, and it came up asking if I wanted money back. I started to hit “NO” when […]
This email exchange says it all: I ordered a movie set for an upcoming viewing party in a week. The item was in stock. I ordered on Sunday night, 8/9/09, received an email on 8/10/09 that the order had shipped and that I’d be receiving it on 8/11 or 8/12. I tracked the order and […]
I have decided the Wal-mart is just not the store the founder created. I have read some of the complaints and I agree. If Sam were still alive this would not happen. But since he is gone a new Wal-mart has been born. One complaint that I did not see was the door greeter. It […]

My E-Machine computer turned out to be a big lemon. My complaint is that it has taken over a month of phone calls.

With four children 9 and under, I feel that the best deals for groceries and non-food items are at Wal-Mart, not to mention one stop shopping with limited time. I have tried to not go there and shop at Publix or Kroger but the grocery bill by itself is outrageous. Unfortunately, I have really had […]
I was browsing for a address to the Wal-Mart Headquarters address so I can mail a complaint letter to them when I came across Off the Shelf (now Retail Bandit). I did not realize how many unhappy Wal-Mart consumers there are and you can add me to the list. I purchased an 18ft x 4ft Sun […]

I recently decided to go through a couple of my receipts before I threw them away. I know I waited a long time, but I will for now on check them before I leave the store. I went to the Rayville, Louisiana Wal-mart, the day before Christmas and bought a large variety of items; Christmas presents, […]