Did you know California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill banning microbeads. Hurrah for us. Apparently, they have been putting little plastic beads in personal care items, no one told me. I’m having a really hard time wrapping my mind around this one. We have been begging them to ban GMO’s or at the very least, label […]
I must admit as I sit here writing that I’m heartbroken over officially being kicked out of Amazon.com’s affiliate program today. Governor Jerry Brown, in his infinite wisdom, has declared war, not only on Amazon.com but on mom and pop businesses as a whole. I’d like to know where Gov. Brown got his economics degree? […]

Retail stores aren’t the only ones out to rip people off these days. Many other establishments are just as bad, if not worse. A word of caution to individuals opening a new bank account — don’t use a large check. My husband opened a new checking account a few months ago with Umpqua bank, using […]

A letter recently sent to Thrifty Payless Inc., by one of our readers. Hello, My name is Joleen and I have always been a big fan of Thrifty brand ice cream. In fact, I have always thought Thrifty’s ice cream can compete with the biggest brand names. However, when I was enjoying an ice cream cone […]

I have a complaint about Wal-Mart in Sacramento, CA on Antelope Road. August 13, 2009 — I was at the automatic check out station, checking my articles out. I swiped my card in the machine, entered my pin number, and it came up asking if I wanted money back. I started to hit “NO” when […]
I have a Subway near where I work that literally makes their bread smaller than typical Subways. It is about one-third narrower but still a foot long. Needless to say they also put about one-third less meat, veggies, cheese, etc. on each sandwich. This is obviously a choice made by the owner of the location. […]
CompUSA Passes Off Used Goods As New Hi Annette, I just had a pretty bad experience with CompUSA (Concord, CA) that I would like to share. I went into the store and purchased a Sony Vaio S560P/B, of which they only had one left. As the salesperson was writing up the order he started to […]

Remember President Reagan’s Trickle Down Economics policy? It’s pretty plain to me that we are experiencing his mantra first-hand — except in reverse. The news is replete with reports of bankruptcy, foreclosures and unemployment. Tuolumne County only recently experienced the closure of our local Mervyns store. Last year they closed down Albertson’s with promises of […]
Simply Self Storage, not so simple… When three people live in a two-bedroom house that is only 830 square feet, it doesn’t take long to realize that space is a luxury one can ill afford. Inevitably the time will come when it’s time to make a decision; move into a larger space, dispose of non-essentials […]
Stop Telephone Harrassment by Debt Collectors This isn’t exactly a “shopping” story but one that you may find interesting and hopefully helpful. I’ve written several articles in the past about our cross-country moves — one of the worst and costly mistakes my husband and I have ever made. It took us a long time […]
Hello, I was wondering if you were still following “Wal-Mart’s over charging at the register”? I spend thousands of dollars a year at this giant’s store and never thought to go over receipt until recently — having our first child has changed all of that. I noticed they have charged me five different prices, each […]
I usually have had very little trouble with WalMart stores, but yesterday made me really mad! My sister, husband and I went to the Gilroy, CA, Walmart – after having been shopping at other stores for hours buying Christmas gifts. I don’t expect great service or help at any stores anymore, so I won’t get […]
I would like to thank everyone who has written in with their shopping stories and apologize for not getting them posted in a timely manner. I was prepared to get them up today when another matter came up that I feel I must share with you all. On December 5th I ordered a $50 gift […]
Papa John’s Pizza, 7340 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights, CA 95621 Our family spent Thanksgiving with family in beautiful Alleghany, CA, a six-hour drive from our home. We had a wonderful time visiting, playing with the dog and playing a game called “Cashflow.” The trip was perfect, until we were about halfway home. Since we live […]