I went to my local Walmart yesterday. Upon trying to check out the 8 of 35 checkout lanes open were horribly long so having only a few items I choose to use the self checkout.   Not having purchased fabric from Wal-Mart in a good long while I didn’t remember that this was a no-no […]

My name is mark, my wife works for Meijer (GR-MI) and they were doing a reslot on vacuums and put the old ones on clearance that are no longer on there plannogram. The vacuum’s (23) originally sold for around $200.00 and they put them on clearance with a sticker price of $29.99. She and follow […]

I think that my Walmart shopping days may be over. Customer service is lousy, you can’t just stop in for a few items to save a bit of money and get in and out of the Dixon, Il or Sterling, Il stores. The checkout lines have at least a 10-minute wait. Is there a shortage […]

Last week I went to a Meijer’s on Pierson Road in Flint, MI and as I went to pay for my groceries with rolled quarters (5 rolls to be exact, they had my name, address, and phone number on each one) the cashier informed me that Meijer’s does not except rolled coins and that I […]

Just a few moments ago (literally) I had a rather unpleasant experience at the subway restaurant in Johnston, RI. I had gone there with a coupon for a “free sandwich,” the language upon which reads as follows: “Buy any regular sandwich and any fountain drink & receive a second sandwich of equal or lesser price […]

 I purchased two lunch boxes for my ten year old and six year old at Meijer. There was a 10% yellow sign that stated “all other juvenile licensed lunch bags.” The price of each lunch box was $9.99. There were several different sizes, shapes, colors and different names of these lunch boxes, none of which […]

I went to Home Depot to buy a one hundred foot length of rubber piping for an in-ground sprinkler system. The clerk charged me for five instead of one. I noticed it once I returned home and called the store. I was told that Home Depot would have to look at the surveillance tape to […]

I was a shopper at the local Wal-Mart here in Tooele, Utah. Over the past 10 months I’ve lived here, I’ve been slowly getting more disgusted with their total lack of customer service. The other day I bought plants at Wal-Mart only to have the associate stand there and watch me load them into my […]

Kohl’s Department Store gives customer hard time returning over-charged backpack. Yesterday, August 28, 2006 I went to Kohl’s at 12:13 p.m. and purchased two items: a backpack and a Nike Toddler Outfit. In the backpack the cashier removed a card and put it through the scanner. My total came to $61.19. I asked if the […]

Meijer Cashier Preaches The Gospel A box of brownie mix rang up at $2.23 at the Lexington, KY store and I thought they were on sale, so I interruped the cashier and told her the brownies were supposed to be 4 for $5. She paused briefly then continued to scan my other items and put […]

Glenville, New York Walmart My husband and I went to Walmart on Sunday to purchase a new vacuum, and in the process we filled a grocery cart. We went to the vacuum section looked at all the vacuums and decided upon the Bissell Powerforce 12 Amp Vac, it had a sign above, which read “Bissell […]

Dump the Michigan Scanner Law I work at a grocery store, not Meijer, but somewhere else, and I can’t wait till they get rid of the scanning law because too many people abuse it. A handful of people will ruin it for the rest of the population. I had a guy today try and use […]