I have a complaint about Wal-Mart in Sacramento, CA on Antelope Road. August 13, 2009 — I was at the automatic check out station, checking my articles out. I swiped my card in the machine, entered my pin number, and it came up asking if I wanted money back. I started to hit “NO” when […]

I have decided the Wal-mart is just not the store the founder created. I have read some of the complaints and I agree. If Sam were still alive this would not happen. But since he is gone a new Wal-mart has been born. One complaint that I did not see was the door greeter. It […]

I went to my local Walmart yesterday. Upon trying to check out the 8 of 35 checkout lanes open were horribly long so having only a few items I choose to use the self checkout.   Not having purchased fabric from Wal-Mart in a good long while I didn’t remember that this was a no-no […]

I really hope someone can help me. This past Thursday my husband and I were at our local Wal-Mart looking at laptops, mine is older and I just wanted to upgrade.    We saw a great deal on a HP Pavilion Laptop with 15.4″ screen, 3GB Ram etc. Great deal! The sign said Unbelievable Price […]

Just last night, I was shopping at Target in Shelby township, MI and I purchased a 2-pack of hooded baby towels with washcloths. When I went up to the check out, they rang up $10.99 but the tag on the shelf said $4.99. The cashier said that I would need to go to the Customer […]

Customer service with a smile used to be easy. Today it’s hard to tell who has it rougher, customers who are being ripped off or customer service workers who are being scammed on a daily basis. One can hardly blame some courtesy desk workers for being fed up. Here is one courtesy desk clerks story… […]

I stopped shopping at Meijer for a long time because of the scams they run. I recently went back to shop at Meijer thinking I would pay better attention to the sale signs and find a price scanner, which are mounted though out the store, so I could check any unpriced item. Well, all of […]

 I purchased two lunch boxes for my ten year old and six year old at Meijer. There was a 10% yellow sign that stated “all other juvenile licensed lunch bags.” The price of each lunch box was $9.99. There were several different sizes, shapes, colors and different names of these lunch boxes, none of which […]

Just yesterday, I was charged the regular price for a pillow at Meijer even though the Sunday ad showed it was on sale for eight dollars less. Fortunately, I saw the twenty dollar item simply listed as “Counts” at the top of the receipt. When I called Meijer a few minutes ago, they simply said […]

I was in Kroger today and purchased two packages of tomatoes, marked at 2 for $4.00. During check-out, I noticed the tomatoes rang up incorrectly ($2.99 each). I informed the clerk and asked for the Michigan error scan refund. I was told that since I notified her of the error and she could fix it […]

I found your site after doing a search on “Michigan Scanner Law” because of the following run-in at Meijer. I was purchasing some Twizzler’s licorice. I noticed that about half of the bags were marked $1.46, the other half $1.66, the sign in front of the bags said $1.66. So I purchased one of each […]

I was at Target and purchased some Jolly Ranchers that had a sign posted that they were on sale for $.99. After I had paid, I was looking at the receipt and noticed I was charged $1.69 for them. I let the check-out clerk know but she said I would have to go to customer […]

Meijer Cashier Preaches The Gospel A box of brownie mix rang up at $2.23 at the Lexington, KY store and I thought they were on sale, so I interruped the cashier and told her the brownies were supposed to be 4 for $5. She paused briefly then continued to scan my other items and put […]

Well friends, if you have been trying to post to my new blog and are having trouble, don’t feel alone. I thought this would be the perfect solution to all the e-mails I have piled up and haven’t had time to post. Wrong. As it turns out readers have only been able to post “comments” […]