Dear Staples Customer Service Department, My husband Shawn and I have been loyal Staples customers for the past 10 years, often spending in excess of $15,000 a year. I’m just writing to let you know that we have taken our business elsewhere and will no longer be frequenting Staples, nor will we be recommending your […]

I am sitting here on hold, waiting for a Comcast Service Representative to answer the phone. I am fuming mad, so mad in fact that I feel as though I could spit nails. I was sitting here enjoying my second Law and Order program of the evening — one I was really looking forward to watching. Especially since […]

Last year for Christmas a dear friend had ordered a Turducken for us, which was the best “turkey” we have ever tasted. So, this year we decided to order one for our family and one for our kids in Michigan. We ordered two Turducken’s a full-size bird for our kids and a Turducken Roll for us, […]

After being without television for the past two years, I finally decided to bite the bullet and order cable again. Our local cable company is Comcast. I decide to be smart about it and order it online, to save time and hopefully money. After I checked all the boxes, filled in all their forms, and then […]

Here is my problem. While on vacation this week, my husband and stopped at the Battle Creek Tractor Supply store on 6360 B. Drive North. We often stop at Tractor Supply stores while on vacation, since we often find different clearance items that our home store does not carry. My husband came across the clearance […]

A letter recently sent to Thrifty Payless Inc., by one of our readers. Hello, My name is Joleen and I have always been a big fan of Thrifty brand ice cream.  In fact, I have always thought Thrifty’s ice cream can compete with the biggest brand names.  However, when I was enjoying an ice cream cone […]

Hi Annette, I feel like a victim of this scanning law problem as well. I went to Rite-Aid to buy a few items and try to find a cheaper brand of face powder than what I normally buy from the very high-end stores (my husband has been laid off since October and I cannot in […]

I have decided the Wal-mart is just not the store the founder created. I have read some of the complaints and I agree. If Sam were still alive this would not happen. But since he is gone a new Wal-mart has been born. One complaint that I did not see was the door greeter. It […]

Unsanitary Birds Flying Around The Boynton Beach, Florida Wal-Mart My daughter and I were shopping at the Boynton Beach, Florida Wal-Mart when suddenly we noticed birds were flying around the store, leaving droppings and eating the food directly from the shelves. We immediately contacted the manager (Megan) on duty. She did not bother to call […]

I hope this is for Meijer headquarters; I just spent $1,200.00 on turkeys for my company (on November 20, 2008).   When I went to pick them up they used a cart with boxes of turkeys and pushed it outside and went back in and closed the door, which locks automatically. The boxes weighed 60 […]

Retailers say scanner technology has several advantages: speeding checkout time, lowering labor costs, and improving sales and inventory records. They also say that scanning results in fewer pricing errors than manual entry.

I recently had a very bad experience with subway. I purchased a Turkey Breast Sub and took it back office only to end up choking on turkey feathers that had been processed into the meat. If that was not horrible enough, I went back to talk to the store manager, (my office is in the […]

Meijer employee takes customer services complaints personal. Hey I’m a Meijer employee myself, and all I’ve read was complete ignorance. For one I am 20 years old I make $7.40 an hour, and forced to pay ridiculous dues for our union. In the end I barely make enough money to make it to work let […]

Stop Telephone Harrassment by Debt Collectors   This isn’t exactly a “shopping” story but one that you may find interesting and hopefully helpful. I’ve written several articles in the past about our cross-country moves — one of the worst and costly mistakes my husband and I have ever made. It took us a long time […]