Annette: I have been impressed reading info on your site but am also confused about the MI Bounty Scanning Law. I live in MI and recently stocked up on kid’s clothes that were on clearance at Kohl’s. The pants were marked $16.00 as the original price and had a $6.00 clearance sticker on them. A […]
On Feb 18,2007 at 9:35 in the morning I purchased a teakettle from Kohl’s Department Store in Newburgh, N.Y. When I returned home and opened the teapot. I noticed that it was pitted and chipped. Since I live in Middletown, N.Y. I went to the Middletown Kohl’s Customer Service Desk. I explained to the gentleman […]
Pleasanton, California Kohl’s Store We don’t have a Kohl’s Department Store in our area, so when I had an opportunity to check out a new store near Livermore, CA, I took it. Truth be told, there was nothing in the immediate area and I really had to use the restroom. Initially I had no intention […]
Kohl’s Department Store gives customer hard time returning over-charged backpack. Yesterday, August 28, 2006 I went to Kohl’s at 12:13 p.m. and purchased two items: a backpack and a Nike Toddler Outfit. In the backpack the cashier removed a card and put it through the scanner. My total came to $61.19. I asked if the […]
Clerk Plays Dumb with Dump Trucks Here’s our story~~ We purchased 2 Tonka Trucks that were marked $14.99, the sign above these items said 25% off. After leaving the store I noticed that we were charged $14.99 and did not receive the 25% off. My husband went back to the store to the Service Desk […]