I purchased two different and separate packages of Barbie outfits at Meijer recently and they were both marked $4.99 (with a price sticker) but scanned at $5.99. When the clerk rang them up, instead of ringing each one separately because they were, after all, different outfits with different bar codes, she rang them up as […]
I have experienced this several times now with Meijers. I have filed a written complaint with the Michigan State Attorney Generals office previously, which I am doing again. I will also be contacting Represenatives in the Michigan Legislature, since they develop the legislation to produce these rules and regulations. I would think that new legislation […]
Black Friday – Post Thanksgiving Day Sale Shopping Frenzy In this section we discuss “Black Friday” shopping experiences. Some who participated in the post Thanksgiving Day buying frenzy last year got more than they bargained for. Meijer Shopper Detained by Greeter Okay, Annette are you ready for this one? I am a regular shopper of […]
Retailers say scanner technology has several advantages: speeding checkout time, lowering labor costs, and improving sales and inventory records. They also say that scanning results in fewer pricing errors than manual entry.
Dear Retail Bandit, I went into Meijer’s last night and on the clearance shelf they had multiple items that were mark on the scan tab as reduced $0.00. I then read the big sign that said “Item will scan at clearance price.” I picked up a few items and proceeded to check it out on […]
Just last night, I was shopping at Target in Shelby township, MI and I purchased a 2-pack of hooded baby towels with washcloths. When I went up to the check out, they rang up $10.99 but the tag on the shelf said $4.99. The cashier said that I would need to go to the Customer […]
I recently purchased a pack of VHS tapes from Target. The sale price posted on their shelf read $9.00. I was charged $10.49 at the register and noticed when I got to the car. I returned to the store and showed the customer service girl. She verified with their electronics department that there was indeed […]
I stopped shopping at Meijer for a long time because of the scams they run. I recently went back to shop at Meijer thinking I would pay better attention to the sale signs and find a price scanner, which are mounted though out the store, so I could check any unpriced item. Well, all of […]
I’ve been reading your recounts as stated by Meijer customers who have had scanning errors, particularly the ones that apply to “sale” items. My question is this … Where does one start to attempt to change this scanning law to include items advertised (either by in-store circular or shelf sign) as on sale? I’ve tried […]
I was recently shopping at the Meijer store here in Battle Creek, Michigan and had picked up a toy for my son that was marked $5.99. I thought I was getting a great deal considering the size of the toy. When I went to purchase it, it scanned at $25.99. I thought that they had […]
I was in Kroger today and purchased two packages of tomatoes, marked at 2 for $4.00. During check-out, I noticed the tomatoes rang up incorrectly ($2.99 each). I informed the clerk and asked for the Michigan error scan refund. I was told that since I notified her of the error and she could fix it […]
My daughter and I were shopping and bought a box of diapers that were marked $18.49. On the way home, she realized that they charged her $19.99 for the box. She called the store and they said to bring in the receipt and they will give her the money she was overcharged. I would like […]
Kroger overcharges customer $40.70 for nothing… Both my husband and myself shop at Kroger’s at least 3 times a week. I do the major large shopping list, which usually totals over $100.00. My husband just picks up odds and ends needed during the week. Last week I noticed upon returning home my receipt was rather […]
Being overcharged at my local Wal-Mart store in Ionia, Michigan is nothing new to me but, I’m very upset that every time I shop there I am overcharged for something. Today I bought a dress pattern for my daughter’s birthday. It is clearly marked $4.98 but the scanner charged me $5.96. When I brought this […]