I have a question, I was shopping at the Meijers in Portage and was overcharged for 2 rolls of wallpaper ($1.00 over each). Now, they didn’t give me a hassle about the $2.00 or about the scanner law in general, but what I got back was $7.12. My question is, since they scanned 2 items […]

I found your site after doing a search on “Michigan Scanner Law” because of the following run-in at Meijer. I was purchasing some Twizzler’s licorice. I noticed that about half of the bags were marked $1.46, the other half $1.66, the sign in front of the bags said $1.66. So I purchased one of each […]

I was at Target and purchased some Jolly Ranchers that had a sign posted that they were on sale for $.99. After I had paid, I was looking at the receipt and noticed I was charged $1.69 for them. I let the check-out clerk know but she said I would have to go to customer […]

I recently purchased an item thru a self-check out scanner at a local store. I noticed that the scanned price was higher than the price tag on the item indicated. I asked a clerk to check the pricing and she corrected the scanned price and entered the correct price manually. When I asked about the […]

Kohl’s Department Store gives customer hard time returning over-charged backpack. Yesterday, August 28, 2006 I went to Kohl’s at 12:13 p.m. and purchased two items: a backpack and a Nike Toddler Outfit. In the backpack the cashier removed a card and put it through the scanner. My total came to $61.19. I asked if the […]

Meijer Cashier Preaches The Gospel A box of brownie mix rang up at $2.23 at the Lexington, KY store and I thought they were on sale, so I interruped the cashier and told her the brownies were supposed to be 4 for $5. She paused briefly then continued to scan my other items and put […]

I have a complaint about the Meijer in Lincoln Park, MI. I purchased some items on 8/7/06, once I got home, I found I had been overcharged on 3 items! Each overcharge was about $1.00. I went back the next day and waited forever in line. Once up to the counter, I told the man […]

Kroger, in Brandenburg, KY 40108 consistantly has incorrect price scanning. What are the laws concerning this in KY? Ginny

Dump the Michigan Scanner Law I work at a grocery store, not Meijer, but somewhere else, and I can’t wait till they get rid of the scanning law because too many people abuse it. A handful of people will ruin it for the rest of the population. I had a guy today try and use […]

I just happened to run across your web site while looking for the Corporate Offices of Meijer. I have an experience I want to share with you. While shopping at Meijer, I purchased a 24-bottle case of Aquafina water. There was a “hand written” sign above the water. Written on the same style paper as […]

I was wondering if you could help me out. I was reading the scanner reward complaints and I have one also, with need of an answer. I went to Meijer about a month ago and bought some pig ears for my dog. They were the ones from the meat department not the rawhide variety. I […]

Diana in Dearborn Heights writes: The Meijer sale this week shows Kid’s Cuisine 10 for 10 & get the 11th one FREE. On 2 seperate occasions I went to Meijer to get the Kid’s Cuisine and both times the 11th meal did not ring up FREE. I went to the customer service desk and was […]

Kelli from Greenville writes in… Two weeks ago I purchased a carton of gourmet mixed mushrooms on sale for 1.99 and was charged the full price of 3.99. When I went back to the store (Greenville – “birthplace of Meijer”) the girl in customer service told me about the refund law, 10 times the amount […]

I have an ongoing problem with a Meijer store in Lexington, KY. It started with an out of stock advertised item (orange juice), there refusal to give a rain check for the desired quantity, and also an over scan on another item… their small print disclaimer on the back of their weekly flyer is also […]